I really enjoyed being the Range Master at Ides this year.
I got to see and speak with almost everyone during the match. I didn’t enjoy having to DQ folks, but that was an unfortunate part of the job. But because of my extra duties, I believe my last stage (Stage 4) was the most hectic one I’ve ever shot!
As we get done shooting our second to last stage (Stage 3), a stage that I absolutely blistered, winning the stage. Dip, our Unloading Table Officer says “I found a part of someone’s shot...
What are they? Which one should I shoot? Why are there so many?
These are all questions I get asked often from new and prospective shooters. Let me start by saying that categories are confusing. And there are a lot of them, like, A LOT! So many that it confuses even seasoned Match Directors when figuring out awards for their matches.
So, with this mind, I offer this advice to new shooters. Keep it simple when you first start. Basic gun safety, safely completing a CAS stage, basic SASS safe...
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2022 Single Action Shooting Society Florida State Championship
What a great time this was! I spent it with my second family, the Cracker Crew, and my third family the Carolina Gang! This weekend did not disappoint with lots of fast shooting, jokes, big belly laughs, good-natured banter, life lessons, and memories we will cherish forever. I couldn’t have asked for a better way to spend my St Patty’s weekend.
Now that the smoke has somewhat settled and I have had a little time to decompress, I would like to share my thoughts on this past weekend's Annual Match. This was the first time I had been so heavily involved in planning and hosting a match this big. Let me tell you what, I learned a lot of lessons!
This blog was inspired by a question I received from Camo Cowboy on Action Shooting Network. “Question for you? Is there info on the types of stages? I am wanting to practice and being new my only set back is learning the stages and how to shoot them. Working on transitions like you show and smoothness. Practicing in garage with fake stands and tables set up.”
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So far in the month of August, Chickie and I have shot three matches. Each one had the same overall lesson. "Shoot the stage in front of me." Bucky Buckskin, Arcadia Outlaw, Christian Mortician, Shelleen, Cypress Sam, Fireball, Delta Glen, and Santa Fe River Stan have all said something similar to me at least once this month. You’d think I would have learned my lesson in less than 16 stages, but I did not.
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I shoot with CAS Clubs all over the Sunshine State. I am from Southeast Florida where our mean winter low is 41° and, hence, why so many people retire to this area. Summer dress code is always a hot topic down here which is debated in person, on social media, and the wire ad infinitum. Let’s face it, Florida has an extreme blend of heat, humidity, and unrelenting sun not found in many other places. Are there locales that are hotter temperature wise? Of course. Are their regions that posses...
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2019 was my first full calendar year in Cowboy Action Shooting. It was a year full of new beginnings both for Chickie and myself. When 2019 started, I was only 4 months into my CAS career and had a mere 13 matches under my gunbelt. By the end, I've shot over 90 matches including 6 annuals. Chickie was still months away from her first match at the dawn of the year. I'd not even gotten all of my guns or gear and Chickie hadn't even started (besides her costumes) to get outfitted. It seems li...
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This was a topic that was posted over in our SASS Florida Group on Facebook and my reply was very long so I decided to make a blog out of it.
I am a born and raised Florida native and when I was a kid of about 6 years old my uncle takes me out to a hunting ground. He tells me that he wants to let me shot this big gun called a muzzle loader. He pulls out this monstrosity of a gun that was twice as long as I was. Turns out it was a .58 caliber with something like a 40" barrel.
This week was a very busy and productive one in regards to CAS.
My girlfriend, Chickie Winsome, has been talking about her interest in shooting CAS. She comes to most of the shoots and has become our un-official photographer and my videographer. We have somewhat half-heartedly been looking for some guns for her to buy. But over the past few weeks she has really been shopping. I showed her a few websites like GunBroker.com, Armlist.com, GunsAmerica.com and ye olde faithful (even if i...
This will be the first entry into what I plan on having as a weekly or so blog recapping the weekend shoots. This weekend is as good as any to start because it was the first time I have shot in consecutive days.
I am still new to CAS attending my first match in August of last year. I shot after the OK Corral Outlaws monthly match with the Club President Seth Adams but not during the actual match. The first full shoot I had was in September during the Gold Coast Gunslingers Main Match....