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CAS Scoring app
Official Scoring App for ASN!
Click Here to learn how to use CAS Scoring
Saturday, February 1, 2025 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Co Rd 437, Daleville, AL 36322, USA
Happy New Year, cowgirls and cowboys!
I hope to see all of you at our monthly match, this Saturday, 4 Jan. Registration will start at 0800, safety brief at 0845, and first rounds downrange at 0900. Cost is $10 for members, $15 for non-members. First-time shooters are always free!
After shooting 6 stages of fun using 120 rounds and 20+ shotgun shells, we'll have our potluck in the clubhouse. This month's potluck theme is "Souper Bowl". It's that time of year when soup just warms your soul. Please bring your favorite soup, stew, stoup or something to go with it.
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