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Saturday, March 1, 2025 8:30 am - 1:00 pm
Markham Park BSO Range, Tamarac, FL, USA
Markham Park Target Range, 16001 W State Rd 84, Sunrise, Florida 33326
Registration begins at 8:00 am, safety meeting at 8:45 am, and the match begins at 9:00 am.
New Range Fees start in January
As Markham Park range fees and other costs associated with running the club and maintaining equipment have increased over the years, we will be increasing both our Main and Mid-month club match fees as follows, effective January 1, 2019.
Club Members: $15.00 - Non Members: $20.00
Shooters Packets
The Gold Coast Gunslingers New Shooter Introduction and Guide to SASS Cowboy Action is now available! See Member Into tab, or click here to view, download, or print.
Be sure to check out our Facebook page at:
Markam Park is a beautiful facility operated by Broward County and located just on the edge of the Florida Everglades. It's a great place to shoot! If you've been thinking about getting started in Cowboy Action Shooting or if you'd just like to watch, come on out and join us. We'd love to show you the ropes!
Please note that no firearms may be worn outside of the range area (including the parking lot, public range or restrooms).
It is a MDQ if you pack iron outside of the fence, so y'all just bring 'em in bags and put them on inside the fence, and stash yer iron before you walk out to the car.
Registration Information:
- Registration is from 8:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m.
- Mandatory Safety Meeting at 8:45 a.m.
- Shooting begins at 9:00 a.m.
- $15.00 - Gold Coast Members
- $20.00 - Non-Members
- Buckaroos and Young Guns shoot free when accompanied by a shooting adult.
Ammo Needs:
- 75 Rounds Pistol Cartridge *
- 75 Rounds Lever Rifle Cartridge *
- 30 Rounds Shotgun *
* These are approximate amounts.
Directions to Markham Park:
- From I-95 or Florida's Turnpike, take I-595 westbound, then veer right at the I-75 split to exit at the next ramp for Weston Road. The park entrance is on the right (north) at the Weston Road intersection.
- From I-75, take I-595 eastbound. Exit on Flamingo Road (exit #1B) and make a U-turn under I-595 to go west on State Road 84. Go past N.W. 136th Avenue. The park entrance is on the right (north) at the Weston Road intersection.
View in Google Maps View Park Information
Our Board of Directors
George Washington McLintock - President
Miss Conduct - Vice President
Hoosegow Hank - Treasurer
Lady Lilly O'Valley - Secretary
Angus McNasty - Match Director
Cuthbert J. Twillie - Equipment Director
Jeremiah Longknife - Territorial Governor
Bumblebee Rose - Scores
Miss Conduct - Scores
Lady Lilly O'Valley - News Letter
Velvet Sheath - Social Committee
Neighbor Dave - Web Wrangler
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