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By: on December 13, 2020
I recently came across this brilliant song about cowboy action shooting. I didn't find much information about it online, but it's apparently called the "Ballad of the Single Action Shooters" from the album Six Gun Legends of the Silver Screen by Jim Bowman and can be listened to here: I enjoyed it so much that I decided to transcribe its lyrics (with the help of Madame Moog), its guitar chords, and the tablature for the catchy little riff in the song in case anybody else wants to sing/pla...
798 views 6 likes
By: on November 22, 2020
The “Ides of Marvember” Florida State Championship 2020 was my first “big” match and two unexpected things happened to me during those two days. The first was a disappointing one (and is documented in my video of the match) but the second was a fun one. I had never been to a SASS-related banquet, but had a general idea that I needed to dress up a little bit so I scrounged around my closet and Amazon Prime to piece together an outfit that vaguely coordinated and seemed appropriate for the them...
679 views 20 likes