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This is what a mid-stage brain fart looks like.The stage was called the "All 4 1 and 1 4 for all." It had 8 static pistol / rifle targets of which 6 where squares and 2 were circles. Targets # 1 and 4 (from the left) were circles and had a big black 1 and 4 painted on them.SI: With rifle single tap sweep all targets from the left and then single tap the 4 and then the 1. "All 4 1" And then with pistols single tap the 1 and 4 then single tap sweep all targets from the left. "1 4 All"After I shot my rifle I forgot which was next so I had to say it to myself twice to make sure that I was going to shoot it correctly. I don't feel too bad about it though because the MD did the exact same thing that I did on this stage. Hernando County Regulators had some tricky stages but they made you think. It was a very fun shoot and I will be posting the videos this week.Have fun laughing at my expense! We all did (including myself) just after the stage, as you can see.SASS Florida #SunshineStateSASS #SASSFL
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I love that the video includes my admission that I did the exact same thing. LOL


The Outlaw Travis James

Shoulda Dun GunSD
Shoulda Dun Gun
I had to show you two amateurs how to blow a stage. If you're going to mess up take a lesson from a pro and have a total train wreck. SDG


The Outlaw Travis James
We learned from the master