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The Outlaw Travis James
on July 30, 2019 127 views
The Roughshod Raiders hosted their July Monthly Match at Shoot GTR in Gainesville, FL on Sunday July 28, 2019. Top Gun was Delta Glen and Lady's Top Gun was Madame Moog and rounding out the Top 5 were Bucky Buckskin, Rooster Ray, Arcadia Outlaw, and Shoulda Dun Gun.
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The Outlaw Travis James
I really like how you had your hand on your rifle as you were shooting your second pistol . That is some high level technique.
July 31, 2019
Have been tutored by some to work on my transitions. That is my goal this year to get better with transitions.
August 1, 2019
The Outlaw Travis James
It is paying off my friend. You were smooth as butter on Sunday!
August 1, 2019