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Gold Coast Gunslingers
on August 6, 2019 308 views
The August Main Match is in the books. It was our annual Hawaiian Shoot and Thunderbolt Hayes really out did himself today with a great mixture of stages. There were some where you could just burn 'em down, a couple that made you stop and think, and a stage that had two knock down racks!
A bunch of the shooters looked very tropical and showed up wearing grass skirts , Hawaiian Leis, and Jeremiah showed up wearing a skirt.🤦‍♂️ We had heard mention of someone showing up in a coconut bikini but alas, it was not to be.
We had about an hour rain delay and some pretty nasty lighting but it passed and we were able to finish the match. We weren't sure if we would be able to but this is Florida and the rain goes as quickly as it comes.
We would like to congratulate The Outlaw Travis James on earning the Top Gun honors and Velvet Sheath for earning the Lady's Top Gun honors. Trigger Happy Gringo, Professor Pete, Don Q, and (for the first time ever in only her 10th match) Chickie Winsome all shot clean matches. The Top 5 was rounded out by Angus McNasty, Thunderbolt Hayes, Ace Hanlon, and Velvet Sheath. Great shootin' y'all!!! We had a new shooter Andy join us to day as well and we know he will be back. He got bug for sure.
The scores are posted to our website. Follow the link below:…/GCGS_2019-08-03_Main_Matc…
Don't forget to join us for our Mid Month Practice Match two weeks from tomorrow (3rd Sunday) at Markham Park.
Until next time...happy trails...
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