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The Outlaw Travis James
on August 11, 2019 550 views
The Fort White Cowboy Cavalry hosted their August Monthly Match at the Fort White Gun Club on Saturday, August 10, 2019. Congratulations to the overall Top Gun, Christian Mortician and the Lady's Top Gun, Midwest Hale. The Top 5 was ROunded out by Delta Glen, Bucky Buckskin, Cardboard Cowboy, and Big Country.
There is one correction to the scores, Stage 6 for Arcadia Outlaw should have been 25.38 and would have put him in 6th place Overall. Everyone from 6th place and down was actually one place lower that they are listed.
#FortWhiteCowboyCavalry #SASS #Florida #CAS
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Arcadia Outlaw
She did not do what she planned so distracted herself, but great way to finish the match !
August 11, 2019
The Outlaw Travis James
Yeah she killed that last stage! And killed me on the final standings too! Great shooting.
August 11, 2019
Midwest Hale
August 11, 2019
Madame Moog
Atta girl Hale!!
August 12, 2019