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The Outlaw Travis James
on September 25, 2019 370 views
The Roughshod Raiders hosted their September Monthly Match on Sunday 9/22/19 at Shoot GTR in Gainesville, FL. The Overall Top Gun was Arcadia Outlaw and the Lady's Top Gun was Midwest Hale . The Top Five was completed by Fireball, Firewater Bandit, Delta Glen, and a tie by Ama Duelist and Kid Romeo.
Special Thank You to Hogtown Huckleberry, Midwest Hale, and Firewater Bandit for helping take videos in Chickie's adsense!
Scores can be found here:
#RoughshodRaiders #ShootGTR #CAS #SASS #CrackerCrew
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Midwest Hale
That’s my coach!!!!
September 25, 2019
The Outlaw Travis James
Sorry I cut the end of you saying that off. I get impatient and want to go work the posse. I need to leave them on longer like you. That's when all the funny stuff happens.
September 25, 2019
Midwest Hale
you are totally fine! Lol you didn’t know that I was going to do that! I didn’t know I was going to do it either! 🤠
September 26, 2019