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My run through Stage 6 at the Weewahootee Vigilance Committee Monthly SASS Match on 06/06/2020. Big thanks to my brother and dad for coming to check out cowboy action shooting (despite the Florida rain) and for filming my run in third-person! This was the first match I've ever shot a side-by-side shotgun, and I'll have to admit... I kind of liked it!
Cowboy Action Shooting
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Camo Cowboy
Where did you get one from? If I can ask. Did you get the Baikai? With mods done already?

Santa Rosa Slinger
I actually decided to order a new Charles Daly 512T from Barleycorn Outfitters on the SASS Wire after hearing/reading promising reviews about it. I was interested in how they’re relatively newer production, have 20” barrels and mechanical trigger and manual safety and other things ideal for CAS from... View More

Camo Cowboy
Wow, very cool and exciting. Thanks for your info. I am getting the bug bad and want to start getting my guns, but trying to hold back and wait some. You shooting Saturday?

Santa Rosa Slinger
I'm planning to be at the Antelope Junction Rangers match this Saturday, so hopefully see you there! I can totally understand the bug. I'll admit that I'm not very good at resisting the temptation to splurge when an alluring deal comes along, which is how I ended up with my current guns and this new... View More

Camo Cowboy
sass wire. Where do you go to find that? I read in another SASS forum about SASS items for sale but did not find a direct site.

Santa Rosa Slinger
SASS Wire is the official forum, The "Classifieds" and "Merchant Corner" sub-forums on that page are fun/dangerous to lurk around for good deals in lieu of finding things available locally.
Forums - SASS Wire Forum

Camo Cowboy
Good Morning Santa Rosa. I will be there and look forward to more good times enjoying shooting. Thanks for your info and I am doing my best to hold off buying. Shelleen and Moog both say wait a while. So I am trying to do that. My thing now is I want to get another pistol so I can practice.