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I celebrated Independence Day by trying sporting clays for the first time. I took out my new Charles Daly 512T side-by-side which I only picked up from my FFL the day prior and I had never fired before this video. This coach gun had an action job done by Doc Noper and I plan to use it primarily for cowboy action shooting, but I'll admit that it's not half-bad for breaking clays as long as you choke its 20" barrels appropriately!
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Camo Cowboy
Looking good. Glad you got your new gun and you like it.


Camo Cowboy
How did you like shooting there? We had a great time when we went.

Santa Rosa Slinger
I didn’t know what to expect since it was my first time, but I really enjoyed it! Smooth experience getting set up and the courses were beautiful. Very few no-throws or other target malfunctions and we got no hassle from the staff to be credited for them. It was especially fun to see people be intri... View More


Camo Cowboy
Glad you enjoyed it. Oh darn another shooting hobby to buy more guns for now. LOL. We spent the day out there and shot several stations. Some very hard for sure. Will go again, maybe cooler times...... winter maybe. lol

RK Carroll
Does look like fun, i’ve never shot at a moving target b4. Noticed you got the “cowboy shuck” down too.

Santa Rosa Slinger
Thanks, I’m still working on it though! (Both moving targets and the “cowboy shuck.”) I have yet to successfully hit the occasional “flyer” targets sometimes used in CAS stages while I’m on the clock. Hopefully this worked as some decent practice!