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Santa Rosa Slinger
on August 1, 2020 185 views

I enjoyed my first taste of the satisfyingly challenging stages that the Roughshod Raiders seem to be known for! My performance was not anything to write home about... however, I was flattered and encouraged by a couple of people who took the time to tell me that they enjoy these videos and that I should keep sharing them. So, here's a compilation of today's six stages! (These are in numerical order, though our posse started the day on Stage 5.) Big thanks to my brother — who adopted the alias "Wildwood Strummer" and shot his first full match today — for helping me with the recordings!

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Midwest Hale
It was so great to meet you guys! We Need to be on the same posse sometime! Keep it up! Its only going to gwt better and better!
August 1, 2020
Thanks Slinger. I really wanted to see the lighting again on stage 5 with the farthest targets. You and I shot that stage first thing and the sun was also in our face adding even more difficulty. I enjoyed the challenge. I'd do it again today, but for some reason we decided to tear down the stee... View More
August 2, 2020