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Santa Rosa Slinger
on August 8, 2020 181 views

Theme of this week's video: Malfunctions, Misfires, and Other Unexpected Behavior! After my 512T bit the dust in Stage 1, I spent the rest of the match trying to keep on my feet. My rifle also decided to start acting up, leading to a few unintentional discharges. The most egregious examples were in Stage 2 and Stage 5... thankfully, both well downrange and in the general direction of a target, but I still can't figure out what happened (and how to avoid them in the future) from these videos.

Big thanks to Johny Blackhouse and Bogus Jim for letting me use their side-by-sides for two stages, though I eventually decided to just spend the second half of the match trying to remember how to work my dusty "Wuhan-chester" (IAC/Norinco) 97. Credit goes to Camo Cowboy — another newer shooter who is quickly becoming a Tampa area regular — for the third-person videos.

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Thanks for the video. Mind boggling day. Ugh! Good news is that you stuck with it, grinded through and now you are a certified gun smith on side by sides.
August 9, 2020
Johny Blackhouse
Awesome thanks for posting! Love the views from the side and the glasses!
August 9, 2020
Johny Blackhouse
It will be interesting to know what you find with your rifle
August 9, 2020
Santa Rosa Slinger
I agree! That's next on my "side project agenda" now that my shotgun issues have been sorted out. I'm certainly no expert, but I suspect a faulty firing pin spring that's causing some sort of "slam fire" (i.e. the firing pin is protruding too far out of the bolt face and sometimes striking the prime... View More
August 9, 2020 Edited