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Santa Rosa Slinger
on September 7, 2020 209 views

Oppressive heat and muddy berms made the Raiders' stages even more challenging today, but that certainly didn't stop us from having a great time! Not only did my brother ("Wildwood Strummer") join us again, but my wife also stopped by and got to see what I'm up to during my weekends away. Big thanks to both of them for filming the third-person footage!

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The Outlaw Travis James
Good times on Saturday despite the extreme heat. Glad you and your brother are shooting with us now.
September 7, 2020
Tiki Cowboy
Awesome, looking good Slinger wish I could have made a match this weekend :-( See you next weekend @ Antelope Junction Rangers.
September 7, 2020
Camo Cowboy
Looking Good there Slinger!!!!
September 8, 2020
Chertrock Chuck
Great video compilation. Well done!
September 11, 2020