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Santa Rosa Slinger
on September 20, 2020 197 views
It was a welcome cool and breezy Saturday in Tavares where I was surprised by my performance at today's match (first in my category and third overall?!?) especially since I didn't think I did particularly well, even after reviewing the footage. It just goes to show: Despite how badly you think you did — and boy, my first stage was a rocky start — sometimes your stages/matches end up turning out fine even if you don't feel or believe it!
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The Outlaw Travis James
Calling a P for that Stage 6 starting line!
September 20, 2020 Edited
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Santa Rosa Slinger
Haha, he told our posse that it would be a five second bonus if we used that starting line. The look on some of the other posse members’ faces trying to determine whether or not he was serious... priceless. Coincidentally, this video thumbnail was not picked by me… it was the frame that YouTube aut... View More
September 20, 2020
Great seeing you yesterday. Always appreciate your videos and insight. As OTJ said, I call a "P" as well on that starting line on stage 6. I assure you that was not the starting line on my posse.
September 20, 2020
Camo Cowboy
Looking good there Slinger.
September 22, 2020