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Santa Rosa Slinger
on October 11, 2020 182 views

I think I may have beaten my record for "most misses in a single match" once again... however, I had so much fun (particularly with Stage 3 and blasting Nasty Nate point-blank) that I couldn't resist posting it. Big thanks to the OTJ for his third-person recordings!

The rest of his videos from the day can be viewed on his channel here:

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Cowboy Jon
To be honest i probably had the worst mach ever cause i didnt even shoot😂
October 11, 2020
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Santa Rosa Slinger
On the bright side: For both of our situations, it can hopefully only get better from here! 😅 Already looking forward to next weekend.
October 11, 2020 Edited
The Outlaw Travis James
You are pushing your limits and this will cause more misses. It happens and it is how you get faster. Sight picture is important. If your eyes can't keep up with the sights you will miss. It's like any other muscle, they require training.
October 11, 2020
Camo Cowboy
Always enjoy the videos since I could not make it. Looked like a fun shoot. Your smile each time still showed your having fun!!!
October 13, 2020