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My first “big” match was marred by an early setback (an SDQ on the second stage that our posse shot) which promptly dampened any prospect I had on being competitive on the leaderboards, but I was able to enjoy the rest of the match by focusing on the camaraderie and a reframed goal of challenging my personal best times. I was also pleasantly surprised to win the “Town Gent” costume contest award at the banquet, which was lots of fun!All in all, I had a great weekend and look forward to my next opportunity to compete at this level. Big thanks to my wife and parents for coming to show support and for filming the third-person videos. The stages are presented in chronological order of how our posse (#17, the “Shamurkeys”) shot them.
Cowboy Action Shooting
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Johny Blackhouse
Fancy shootin’ fer a Gent! Great shooting with you Slinger we need to get your Dad to a match and let him shoot!

Stage 10, the heart breaker!?

Santa Rosa Slinger
It was "highly disappointing" at the time (which Delta Glen and SantaFeStan got a kick out of me saying when they came to review the call), but now I can't help but laugh when I rewatch the video. The first-person view is so "Looney Tunes" when Shelleen yells "STOP!", which prompts me to look back a... View More

Camo Cowboy
Great video and congrats on winning the "Town Gent" Sharp looking man for a sharp shooter.

Razorback Red
Great story. Thanks for sharing both the agony and the ecstasy of your match. Sounds like it was a good weekend in lots of ways!