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Santa Rosa Slinger
on November 29, 2020 166 views

Stage 3 from the Doodle Hill Regulators monthly match, which was the first that I’ve attempted to shoot one-handed Duelist style instead of my typical two-handed grip. That was determined by a coin flip at the beginning of the match, which was something fun and different!

This was my most cohesive Duelist stage of the day and I attribute that to use of proper equipment. Big thanks to Johny Blackhouse for letting me try out his pistols (which had SBH hammers with the half-cock mod and were slicked up by Jimmy Spurs) for this stage, and to Camo Cowboy for filming the third-person perspective!

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JP Remington
Duelist is......yeah USA or Aus doesn't matter, it's cool:-)
November 30, 2020
El Hombre
Certainly is
December 1, 2020