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Today’s Hernando County Regulators match was memorable, to say the least… it was my first clean match ever, plus I ended up being Top Gun which was a pleasant surprise! The first four stages were relatively straightforward, serving mainly as a prelude to the “carnival” of Stage 5… an all knockdown and popper gauntlet requiring 20+ shotshells (which prompted me to borrow and wear not just one, but TWO of Shelleen's shotgun belts to feel adequately equipped). By the time our gunsmoke cleared, the sand was sticky with Faygo Redpop and our shotgun barrels had become convenient hand warmers.
All in all, it was a terrific way to round out the weekend… and my first year of cowboy action shooting! Next weekend’s AJR match is already the one-year anniversary of that fateful day that I showed up for my first SASS match. Time certainly flies when you’re having fun!
Cowboy Action Shooting
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Love the stage 5 intro with a still pic of your belts, plural. Good stuff!


Camo Cowboy
Great pics as always and looked fun.

Congratulations Pard!

Dynamite Deed
And that's what makes us keep coming back