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#TBT to that fateful day that I showed up to a SASS match for the first time, which was already one year ago this upcoming weekend!
After becoming intrigued by several online videos about cowboy action shooting, I went to go check out an Antelope Junction Rangers match since it was physically closest to me and just so happened to be scheduled for later that week. I had read about the role of costuming in CAS, so I threw together an outfit using an old pair of jeans and a vaquero shirt that I had as a souvenir from a prior trip to Mexico. When I arrived and said I was interested in watching, I was met by Moog and Shelleen who nonchalantly stated “Sorry, we don’t allow spectators.”
I sheepishly apologized and was about to excuse myself to leave when they said “No, you misunderstand… we don’t allow spectators because we expect you to shoot!” Cue leather being strapped onto me, then iron getting dropped into my holsters and hands. After a brief introduction on how to properly use it all, I shot my first competitive shooting stage ever (most of which is immortalized in this video)… and then five more! I was hooked. By the end of the month, I had already acquired my first full set of guns and was off to the races.
The rest, as they say, is history! I feel sincerely fortunate for coming across such a great hobby and an even better group of people to enjoy it with.
Cowboy Action Shooting
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You are a good addition to our posse. I'm glad you found CAS.

Camo Cowboy
What a great memory and so cool you did a video. Thank you for all you have done for me and helping me get going into this great sport. This Posse of amazing people makes this very fun and safe. You come for the shooting and leave enjoying all the people! I look forward to more enjoyable times toge... View More

One year already! I’m glad you joined up.