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I celebrated my one-year anniversary of starting CAS by donning the shirt I wore to my first match (but haven’t worn since then) and trying out gunfighter for the first time. Other than a few messy stages — which I expected and accepted coming in — I actually thought it went alright overall and I really enjoyed it!
Stage 5 felt the most cohesive to me, so I was particularly encouraged by some of the feedback I got after it. A few people even suggested that I continue to practice gunfighter and consider competing seriously in that category. Hmm… maybe! 🤔😇
Besides cutting out the whole “pumping” motion (which I know is a bad habit I need to squash early), working on my posture and transitions, and learning which pistol to start with in order to most efficiently shoot certain sequences, I’m certainly open to any other tips/tricks/advice from you experienced gunfighters!
Special thanks to Camo Cowboy for the third-person perspective videos.
Cowboy Action Shooting
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Johny Blackhouse
Great job Slinger!