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An out of battery discharge (OOBD) in a Winchester Model 1897.I had a scary moment on the first stage of the morning, an OOBD with a 97. No major damage to m...
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RK Carroll
I was witness to that, one of the calmest, level headed reactions to a potentionally catastrophic bodily harm events we can have in this sport. I commend you on how you handeled it.


RK Carroll
If i remember right you lost a few whiskers on that one🤕


The Outlaw Travis James
Yeah, I lost a few whiskers and some knuckle skin. But it was about the minimal amount of damage considering. I am lucky that the shot went down the barrel and not out of the open port.


Camo Cowboy
What is the Chamber Flag you mentioned?

The Outlaw Travis James
Circled in red. As you slide the forearm forward it slides up and ensures that if a shell is in the action is is fully inside so that the right extractor on the bolt does not hit the primer. That is what happened here.

Camo Cowboy
Ok thank you. Appreciate your time and information to a new shooter.