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Santa Rosa Slinger
on January 17, 2021 188 views

There was plenty of opportunity for me to practice Gunfighter — which I have all but officially switched to now — and get more accustomed to my still-new-to-me Miroku 1873 at this weekend's Lake County Pistoleros match. Unfortunately, I had an embarrassing but wholly educational SDQ on Stage 1 towards the end of the morning... coincidentally, immediately after my best run (Stage 6) of the day just like the last time I was at this range. Other than that, I had a great time seeing everyone and getting as much shooting in as possible before the big events anticipated over the next few months. Big thanks as always to Chickie Winsome and the OTJ for the third-person footage.

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The Outlaw Travis James
That was some pretty nifty camera work on the pistol reload.
January 18, 2021
Santa Rosa Slinger
I thought the same thing when I first watched your upload! Perfect timing on the pans/zooms. You can practically hear me thinking to myself, "Ok... open gate, 1, 2, load... 1, 2, 3, 4... close, hammer back... now don't miss!" 😜
January 18, 2021
Camo Cowboy
Looking good slinger.
January 18, 2021
The Outlaw Travis James
The most important thing to gun safety is trigger discipline. The second most is muzzle awareness. Shooting single actions makes the trigger diacipline a little less critical but muzzle discipline is ALWAYS important. The bullet goes where its directed. Thats why the 170 is the staple of our rules.... View More
January 18, 2021
Camo Cowboy
I think you have gotten the Gunfighter down. Smooth and looking good. Nice flow.
January 18, 2021