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Branchwater Jack
on April 7, 2021 137 views

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RK Carroll
What no singing? I hear tell even The Duke sang in one or two films.
April 7, 2021
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Branchwater Jack
And, check out the outtake video of a little Branchwater singing action
April 7, 2021
Branchwater Jack
So, I was having fun at a match on sunday. One stage, I sang all the way through my shooting. The other, I gave a fire brimstone sermon during the shooting. I don't know if either of my outbursts help my stages at all, timewise, but I sure did have a good time.
April 7, 2021
RK Carroll
As they say “if you cant dazzle ‘em brilliance, blind ‘em with BS”. Spotters cant hear a miss that way🙉
April 7, 2021
Johny Blackhouse
I think Bogus Jim should do a little Crooning between stages!
April 8, 2021
Branchwater Jack
with guitar....
April 8, 2021