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Santa Rosa Slinger
on June 6, 2021 179 views

This is a compilation of first-person videos filmed simultaneously on a pair of Spectacles 2 and a hat-mounted Insta360 GO 2 on location at the Roughshod Raiders monthly match in Gainesville, Florida on 06/05/2021.

When mounted above my left eye, I found the point of view from the Insta360 GO 2 to be both more practical and more cinematic than the Spectacles' lens which is fixed in the far-right side of the glasses' frame. Interestingly, the audio from the Spectacles was much clearer... though I suspect that may be due to the GO 2's wind reduction functionality being activated by the loud range noises, so I will try disabling that feature in future videos.

Most importantly, the GO 2's 1440p resolution, FlowState stabilization, and other “action”-minded features are simply impressive... especially for a camera its size. These videos were taken using the “Pro Video” mode with an UltraWide field of view using otherwise default settings (including vivid color profile, high bitrate, etc.) and were not edited in post-production.

It dominates the Spectacles' 592p resolution and no-frills feature set, which is perfect for its advertised use (quick slice-of-life social media-oriented videos) but may not be flexible enough for more “serious” videography. I anticipate switching over to the GO 2 for my shooting videos but keeping my Spectacles for casual use such as family and vacation videos... they're perfectly good sunglasses, after all!

I feel that this video still does not showcase the GO2's quality to its fullest or give the comparison justice — even in 4K resolution — so I've uploaded the individual exports from both devices and each aspect ratio to a YouTube playlist in case anybody is interested in viewing them individually:

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Camo Cowboy
Thanks for showing both to compare. Enjoy your videos as always. Thanks slinger
June 7, 2021