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Pataha Rustlers
Match CANCELED: We have been keeping an eye on the weather and it keeps getting worse! Now there is: "Winter Storm Watch in effect from Saturday, 4:00 AM PST until Sunday, 10:00 AM PST. Source: U.S. N... View More
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Pinto Annie
I love it! Right now I don't think we could even hop a plane down....Seattle and snow don't play well together and any flight we might get would be connected through there. Too bad. Appreciate the chuckle though!

Pinto Annie
Enjoy that weather for us! I just hope everything clears enough in the next week for us to head to Winter Range (driving, of course!).

We had a great day. Weather was near perfect. This is a formal invite for you to come join us in Florida soon. You can shoot nearly every weekend at any point in the state.


Pinto Annie
Thanks, Realtree! Someday....I have been in a lot of states, but never any on the East coast. We usually can shoot around the area every weekend, but this storm is being crazy!

The weather NEEDS to cooperate! Stay tuned as the Pataha Rustlers MAY have to cancel our monthly match scheduled for Saturday....
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Especially poetic to me because we've lost this fine cowboy. It's a way to fondly remember him!
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