Chickie and I drove 800 miles and 10-1/2 hours with 2 hotel stays to shoot two matches this weekend. I learned another very valuable lesson this weekend. Be on the lookout for the next blog detailin... View More
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Arcadia Outlaw showing us how he won the match on Sunday with a smoking fast Stage 2.
Stage 2 Arcadia Outlaw Raiders 9 22 19
The Roughshod Raiders hosted their September Monthly Match on Sunday 9/22/19 at Shoot GTR in Gainesville, FL. The Overall Top Gun was Arcadia Outlaw and the Lady's Top Gun was Midwest Hale . The Top Five was completed by Fireball, Firewater Bandit, Delta Glen, and a tie by Ama Duelist and Kid Romeo.
Special Thank You to Hogtown Huckleberry, Midwest Hale, and Firewater Bandit for helping take videos in Chickie's adsense!
Scores can be found here: http://www.roughshodraiders.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/190922-Overall.pdf
#RoughshodRaiders #ShootGTR #CAS #SASS #CrackerCrew
Sorry I cut the end of you saying that off. I get impatient and want to go work the posse. I need to leave them on longer like you. That's when all the funny stuff happens.
The Outlaw Travis James you are totally fine! Lol you didn’t know that I was going to do that! I didn’t know I was going to do it either! 🤠
Ama Duelist with some fancy gun handling skills on Stage 3 Sunday.
Stage 3 Ama Duelist Raiders 9 22 19
The Roughshod Raiders hosted their September Monthly Match on Sunday 9/22/19 at Shoot GTR in Gainesville, FL. The Overall Top Gun was Arcadia Outlaw and the Lady's Top Gun was Midwest Hale . The Top Five was completed by Fireball, Firewater Bandit, Delta Glen, and a tie by Ama Duelist and Kid Romeo.
Special Thank You to Hogtown Huckleberry, Midwest Hale, and Firewater Bandit for helping take videos in Chickie's adsense!
Scores can be found here: http://www.roughshodraiders.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/190922-Overall.pdf
#RoughshodRaiders #ShootGTR #CAS #SASS #CrackerCrew
Here is Purdy Sharp showing off her long range pistol marksmanship at Raiders Sunday. Everyone else shot their pistols from the forward table btw.
Stage 2 Purdy Sharp Raiders 9 22 19
The Roughshod Raiders hosted their September Monthly Match on Sunday 9/22/19 at Shoot GTR in Gainesville, FL. The Overall Top Gun was Arcadia Outlaw and the Lady's Top Gun was Midwest Hale . The Top Five was completed by Fireball, Firewater Bandit, Delta Glen, and a tie by Ama Duelist and Kid Romeo.
Special Thank You to Hogtown Huckleberry, Midwest Hale, and Firewater Bandit for helping take videos in Chickie's adsense!
Scores can be found here: http://www.roughshodraiders.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/190922-Overall.pdf
#RoughshodRaiders #ShootGTR #CAS #SASS #CrackerCrew
Shelleen blazing through Stage 1 at Raiders on Sunday.
Stage 1 Shelleen Raiders 8 25 19
The Roughshod Raiders hosted their August Monthly Match at Shoot GTR in Gainesville, FL on Sunday August 25, 2019. Overall Top Gun was Delta Glen and Lady's Top Gun was Midwest Hale with the rest of the Top 5 being Shelleen, Arcadia Outlaw, Bucky Buckskin, and Little Dead Drewzter.
#CAS #SASS #RoughshodRaiders
Here is Delta Glen showing us how this stage should be shot!
Stage 4 Delta Glen Raiders 8 25 19
The Roughshod Raiders hosted their August Monthly Match at Shoot GTR in Gainesville, FL on Sunday August 25, 2019. Overall Top Gun was Delta Glen and Lady's Top Gun was Midwest Hale with the rest of the Top 5 being Shelleen, Arcadia Outlaw, Bucky Buckskin, and Little Dead Drewzter.
#CAS #SASS #RoughshodRaiders
This was one of the most fun stages I have shot to date! (Just ignore the rifle miss) ***coughs***
Stage 4 The OTJ Raiders 8 25 19
The Roughshod Raiders hosted their August Monthly Match at Shoot GTR in Gainesville, FL on Sunday August 25, 2019. Overall Top Gun was Delta Glen and Lady's Top Gun was Midwest Hale with the rest of the Top 5 being Shelleen, Arcadia Outlaw, Bucky Buckskin, and Little Dead Drewzter.
#CAS #SASS #RoughshodRaiders