Southwest Florida Gunslingers
SASS Cowboy Action Matches every month month on the 3rd Saturday.  Also see our sister club, the Five County Regulators shooting Wild Bunch and CAS on the 4th Sunday each month.  Look for our annual match, "Shootout in the Swamp" each fall.   Hansen Range and Gun Club, 27700 Zemel Rd., Punta Gorda, FL 33955 Club Marshall: Vaquero Tom, 239-634-1898,  Co-Marshall & Match Director: Lawless Len, 239-338-8455,  Territorial Governor: Preacherman, 239-878-3579,   
Lawless Len
Billy Blaze
Bogus Jim
Five County Regulators
Wild Bunch and Cowboy Action Shooting every month on the 4th Sunday at Hansen Range and Gun Club, 27700 Zemel Rd., Punta Gorda, FL 33955.  Check out our sister club the Southwest Florida Gunslingers, for CAS every 3rd Saturday and our annual match, "Shootout in the Swamp" in the fall.  Club Marshall: Vaquero Tom,  239-634-1898,  Co-Marshall & Match Director: Lawless Len, 239-338-8455,  Territorial Governor: Preacherman, 239-878-3579, 
Lawless Len
Deadly Dealer
Dealin Justice