"If you ain't wanted you ain't wanted"
We are a Cowboy Action Shooting Club affiliated with
the Single Action Shooting Society or
(SASS) so SASS rules apply. We shoot the second
and fourth Saturdays each month as well as the fifth
Saturday when they come around. We unlock the
gate about 8:00 A.M. The coffee pot is on.
Registration 9:30. Shooters meeting 9:45 Shoot at
10:00. We normally shoot three scenarios, break for
lunch and go back to shoot three more. Shooting
scenarios require single action revolvers, lever or
pump action rifles in a pistol caliber, and double
barrel, lever or 1897 pump action shotguns. We are located at 479 Pearson Road in Heber Springs, Arkansas. Our website is: http://outlawcamp.com/index.html