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Dusty Boddams

Born on January 1.

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Howdy all! Come on out and shoot the fast and fun sport of Wild Bunch Action Shooting. Every 3rd Saturday in historic Bowie, Texas at the Gunrunner shooting range. We also shoot BAMM and lots of other side match guns. We start at 9:00 break for lunch around noon then get into BAMM etc. stay for all or come out for WB or BAMM . We have classes for the 22’s and 9mms. Drag out that 1911 45 auto govt. model a model 97 or model 12 Winchester  along with a 40 cal or larger lever action pistol caliber rifle and your ready for WB . BAMM stands for bolt action military match think 1903 springfield, old German mausers wearing the battle dress as original. We shoot steel so the bolt guns need lead ammo at reduced velocity. dustyboddams@yahoo.com for more info