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by on November 30, 2017
I haven’t blogged in a while, been busy with the holidays, shooting and a couple trips thrown in there. I thought about it this morning and thought I’d catch up. I will be the new match director for the Antelope Junction Rangers starting January 2018. Horace E Rider has been a great MD and has always had a passion for CAS and his club. I hope I can take over and do half as good.
I purchased a laser engraver and made some clean match badges for some of the clubs I shoot at. I claimed one for shooting a clean match at The Doodle Hill Regulators this past Sunday! I had fun making them and even more fun claiming one. Sometimes it’s the little things that make a moment stand out.
I got crushed at the spaghetti western in September at The Lake County Pistoleros. But I don’t even feel bad with the stage that Delta Glenn wrote based on hurricane IRMA. Everything from blowing up transformers to knocking the snakes back in the swamp. Let’s just say that dude gets it and I plan on borrowing some of his stages for my match.
I went to the South Carolina state match at the end of September and placed 2nd in my category. Met some nice people and reconnected with some that I already knew. Was inducted into the Imperial Gunfighter club and who knew, I met some fellows Geeks that were into the same stuff I was. Go figure.
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