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I really enjoyed being the Range Master at Ides this year.
I got to see and speak with almost everyone during the match. I didn’t enjoy having to DQ folks, but that was an unfortunate part of the job. But because of my extra duties, I believe my last stage (Stage 4) was the most hectic one I’ve ever shot!
As we get done shooting our second to last stage (Stage 3), a stage that I absolutely blistered, winning the stage. Dip, our Unloading Table Officer says “I found a part of someone’s shot...
This was a topic that was posted over in our SASS Florida Group on Facebook and my reply was very long so I decided to make a blog out of it.
I am a born and raised Florida native and when I was a kid of about 6 years old my uncle takes me out to a hunting ground. He tells me that he wants to let me shot this big gun called a muzzle loader. He pulls out this monstrosity of a gun that was twice as long as I was. Turns out it was a .58 caliber with something like a 40" barrel.
This past weekend I shot with the Weewahootee Vigilance Committee if you want to call it shooting. I picked up Shelleen and we started west on I4. The sun was coming up and very little traffic made me think “what a nice way to spend a Saturday”. We talked about what happened on WestWorld and there were a few “wait, what's” from me as Shelleen was breaking it down for me. I guess I’ll need to watch the last EP again. Got our grub and pulled on to the range.
Set up our carts, said our good...
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