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by on January 16, 2018
This past weekend was my first match as match director for the Antelope Junction Rangers. I got to the range started laying out carpets and getting ready to go as people started showing up. Made the sign up sheet added the shooters to the electronics and started the match.
There is defiantly more work than loading up your stuff and heading to the range to shoot. I have some plans for AJR, I’m going to make some props like, fences, hitchin posts, cactuses and cow boy cut outs. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please “fire away”.
I am grateful to Horace E Rider for teaching me this game as well as all the other great shooters and match directors I have had the honor to meet and become friends. Match directors in this game seem to hang on for a while before burning out. Horace E Rider had hosted matches for more than 10 years. I know there are others in this game that have been MD’s for longer than that even. Sometimes there are people who will step up and try to fill the shoes of the pard that held the reigns before him and sometimes there just isn’t anyone that can. I hope that I will be half as good as most of these people.
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