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by on February 24, 2020
For this weeks spotlight is a cowboy that has been in the game for some time and has a few accomplishments. Fast shooter and nice dude. He loves his family and is in the SASS hall of fame. Here is Deuce Stevens in the Spotlight
Where do you live? (what state or country)
We live in Grand Rapids Michigan where I've been all my life. In the process of moving to Etna Green Indiana

When did you start shooting CAS and how did you or who got you into the sport?
2002.I was in a gun shop one day looking at a AWA Peacekeeper and the gentleman showing it to me told me about a brand new club he had just started. His alias was Tuscon Stu.

Who was your mentor, either known to them or not?
My mentor was and still is Fireball. He currently resides in FL He was the first to really  push me to become a better shooter and I learned so much about reloading, gun work and more importantly how to play the game within the rules. He told me you'll have to decide what kind of competitor you want to be. It takes years to develop a reputation and 5 seconds to ruin one. I've tried to remember that.  Santa Fe River Stan has been an excellent friend and resource as well. 

How much do you practice, how many rounds a month do you send down range?
I've not live fire practiced since my oldest son Mason was born (almost 10 years ago). When I was hitting it hard I probably was around 40K rounds a year. Dry fire was a major part of my development as a shooter and I still rely on that. 

Have you won any state, regional, national or world championships?
I have won overall shooter at over 30 State championships, have won several Regionals, Traditional National Champion once. Overall National Champion twice. Three World Championships once as a Cowboy and twice as a Wrangler. 

Tell us about your most memorable match:
EOT 2019 when I was inducted into the SASS Hall of Fame. Almost all of my friends made it out for it. Most special for me was my wife KJ and all three of our children were there, very special and emotional event for me. 

What is your favorite aspect of CAS?
My friends and my friends who have become family. 

Is there a story behind your alias, and what is that story?
College track coach came up with it because of my real name Steven Stevens. 

Do you have a travel/shootin buddy? (you know that friend that makes this game what it is)
Cowboy Carty is my over the road travel partner. He also is my gunsmith. We have as much fun on the way there as we do when we get there. 

Where is your favorite place to shoot? (range or match past or present)
My home club Paradise Pass Regulators, very special place. Gunmoke in Morristown MN with the Cedar Valley Vigilantes is a can't miss event for me and love the facility and staff. Founders Ranch is just a magical place that is built for us, we are so fortunate to have so many awesome options.

What category do you shoot?


Have you tried other categories? What categories have you shot and how did that go?
I've shot a fair amount of Pale Rider Gunfighter over the years. It's a fun deviation from the norm and usually goes pretty well. 

What is you posse job of choice?
Timer operator 

What is the time of your fastest clean stage?
8.74 sec.

What was the best advice you got from a fellow shooter, and who was it?
"Boy when you start hitting stuff you're gonna be something" Rifled Slug 2003

What advice can you give to some of the shooters reading this?
Keep it fun. Learn to play the game within the rules. In all the years I've never had a protest or any controversy in my game. I'm very proud of that. Place the responsibility of the stage squarely on your shoulders because that's where it belongs. Learn to thrive and succeed with the ups and downs of competitive shooting. Be flexible. Everyone can learn new things and improve. :Embrace ALL the game has to offer and that includes the relationships and fun had off the range. 

What keeps you playing this game?
My family and friends. You will have ups and downs shooting but the good friends will stick with you. 

What is your favorite thing to do when you are not on the range or shooting?
Love to be outdoors with my wife and three kids. Playing catch with my oldest son. And recently picked up and very much enjoy whitetail hunting. 
Like (12)
What an outstanding Cowboy! Proud to be his friend.
February 25, 2020
Happy Shootzmore
Met Deuce and the gang at our very first regional at Gunsmoke. Not only is he a great shooter he is patient and helpful to everyone, friendly to all and fun to be around. Perhaps one day I’ll get a chance to shoot on his posse.
March 8, 2020