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by on July 23, 2018

Ok, this week was Lake County Pistoleros, Shelleen had to ride solo as Madame Moog joined me for the ride and shoot this weekend.  We talked about what she wants to do with the landscaping and how I need to knock the weeds down out back. I gotta say Shelleen and i talk about more fun stuff.  She hasn’t been shooting all that much since she hurt her shoulder but felt good enough to get it done Saturday. She shot well 2 misses for the whole match and the best time she has placed since she started shooting. The last stage was a bummer, she was on for a clean match until the very last pistol. But still took away a good time and fun match.


This match was a different for a couple reasons. First was our friend Brucester Diamond, a fixture of the Lake County Pistoleros was not there. You see, Brucester gave all he had, he would help set up for just about every darn match. Sometimes at the cost of shooting the match because he was so sore the next day. He would “check out” new cowboy shooters and give them the range do’s and don’ts, he was the second person I met at my first LCP match. Shooting with him was always fun, when he felt good enough to shoot. The last time I saw him was at the Florida State Match he was running the golf cart back and forth from the range and the parking lot, yep, working. If you needed help with just about anything on the range he was a good place to start, if he couldn’t help he would at least point you in the right direction to get what you needed. Brucster passed away on July 19th. I will miss him.


The other difference was the turn out. We pulled on the range and I had to ask Madame if we had the right day as the parking lot was empty. 1 posse and 14 shooters was a first for me at LCP. Usually in the summer it is good for at least 3 times that.  The combination of heat and a rainy forecast kept people at home. Well it didn’t rain until we were wrapping up the last stage and clean up was quick. I shot ok for me and Madame shot her best match yet. Shelleen didn’t win his category.


So, to wrap up this blog I am not going to go through my normal closing. I am going to say this, be nice to people, you never know what they are going through. Appreciate the people that you have around you as they appreciate you. And keep shooting. Happy Trails Brucster Diamond.

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My last interaction with Brucester Diamond was at the Ides of March when a target failed and broke a weld. My Posse was at stage 9, nearly as far away as you can get from the target storage facility. I ran off of the stage to find a new target and who appears out of nowhere on the golf cart to sa... View More
July 23, 2018
Hard to believe that Brucester is gone......a good cowboy that did more to support our sport than most will ever know.....Happy Trails Brucester
July 24, 2018
Madame Moog
First of all Moog you still need to knock down some weeds!! I remember pulling onto the range and looking at each other wondering If we had our days confused.  It just seemed strange something was different I always feel excitement when we are at LCP not this time the buzz was not in the air as usu... View More
July 24, 2018
Dynamite Deed
Just a quick update - There will be a Celebration of Life on August 12th. Once we have all the details, we make sure this page is updated. A good and hard working cowboy that will be missed.
July 28, 2018