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by on September 18, 2018

What a weekend, this past weekend was the Lake County Pistoleros monthly match. I stopped to pick up my shooting buddy Shelleen and the guard at the gate didn’t even ask me any questions. He just opened the gate. After 3 years it’s about time they know me. 6:30 am we’re rolling for Eustis fl. It was hot already and super steamy, that didn’t stop us. The drive went by pretty quick and before we knew it we were on the range and signed in. We said the pledge and made the announcements and we were off.


The first stage for us was 6 shotgun targets. Now anywhere from 22 -25 seconds for 6 shotgun is doing good for The Moog. I loaded up went to the line….. BEEEEEEP, shot rifle, moved up shot pistols, the ran the @&$^ out of my shot gun. 21.66. Im not boasting I was just as shocked as you! Stage 2 same berm and same 6 shotgun targets. BEEEEEEP, Rifle made me smile, pistols made me laugh and shotgun shocked me again. when the smoke cleared, 20.84. I know, im thinking the same thing. I have to look at the score sheet to confirm myself. The rest of the match kinda went the same way, putting up personal best times and no, let me say that again NO Misses or P’s.


Shelleen and Shoulda Dun Gun were not going to just stand by and let that happen. They did there best to rattle me Shelleen with his “try to not suck Moog” to Shoulda scratching train tracks into the dirt and making crashing trains sounds on my way to the line for my last stage. But my determination and stone resolve won out as I was not playing into their shenanigans! I know they were taking bets on what stage my train wreck was coming and I gotta tell ya I was glad to disappoint. I was able to make it 26 minutes into the drive home before I started turning the screw that I beat shelleen fair and square as we both shot clean matches. He was not impressed with my restraint but I was.


You know that saying if you want friends at the match you should of brought them with ya? Wouldn’t change it for anything. Yes, it was hot, wait, I don’t have anything to complain about. So here it goes. Yes, I shot well, yes, I defeated my biggest fans Shelleen and Shoulda, yes, I recorded the best time yet and yes, I spent the day with people I actually like. It was WAY better than a good day at work

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I did!
September 18, 2018
September 19, 2018
Good story, good shooting and good on you for not letting those no-goods get under your skin.
September 19, 2018
Moog was a Borg for the match and his stuff worked!
October 1, 2018