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by on October 5, 2020

Where do you live? (what state or country)

  Southern California

When did you start shooting CAS and how did you or who got you into the sport?

  I started in 2015 when I visited EMF in Santa Ana, Ca to look at their Pietta single actions. I saw a copy of The Chronicle on the counter, asked about it, was told about the monthly shoot and new shooters class at The Cowboys, and I jumped in from that moment on!

Who was your mentor, either known to them or not?

  I’ve been lucky to have many top shooters and great people help me out here. Wells Fargo and Jim Bowie were my first contacts for gun knowledge. Lefty Longridge was my first Coach. Johnny Ringo and Calamity Annie have been my spirit guides in the subtleties of people and posse organizing. Smokestack helped me see the stages differently. Joker’s Wild and Photoshooter gave me input and support. Beartrap mentored next at my first WR and gave me a chance to shadow him as a posse Marshall. As I said, I’ve been incredibly lucky to have so many good people in my life because of this sport that I’ve left off another 100 people in SoCal and across this country that I could easily thank for helping to mold me as a cowboy action shooter.

How much do you practice, how many rounds a month do you send down range?

  When primers were readily available, I would shoot a match once or twice Every weekend and dryfire 3-4 days a week for half an hour or so. Now I shoot about 3-4 times a month and need to increase my dryfire time as the drop in practice time definitely shows in small ways. We tend to shoot 8 stages in a monthly out here in CA, so I’ll put 1200+ rounds downrange a month just at the monthlies.

Have you won any state, regional, national or world championships?

I was first in Frontier Cartridge at the 2019 Western Regional last year and third at my first Winter Range last year. I’ll be heading to my state match for the first time in two weeks and I’m hoping for the best!

Tell us about your most memorable match:

  The RR Bar yearly match in 2019 where I was chosen as the winner of the Ricochet Roy Spirit of the Game honoree. My most prized award so far as shooting skills are one thing, but honoring the game and the great people and what it should stand for is the core of what I believe.

What is your favorite aspect of CAS?

  The people. Hands down.

Is there a story behind your alias, and what is that story?

  I’m an English teacher, born in Arkansas, and I love alliteration, Razorback football, and the color red. I tend to go “all in”, so RR is a thing from my truck to my clothes to my rigs etc.

Do you have a travel/shooting buddy? (you know that friend that makes this game what itis)

  I’ve spent a lot of time with several great people, but my go to traveling partner is Iron Mountain. He and I have traveled and shot and camped together all over the Southwest and we haven’t killed each that’s a good thing!


Where is your favorite place to shoot? (range or match past or present)

  Monthlies?  I’m the president of The Cowboys and started there, so it has a special place in my heart. I’m lucky enough to live where I can shoot year round and each place I shoot has its own charm and people that make it special. Cajon and RRBAR have great cascades. Hole in the wall gang has some of the most talented shooters around. Escondido Bandidos, West End Outlaws, Burrow Canyon, Panorama, and Burro Canyon have smaller groups of great people and fun stages. Like I said...I’m very lucky (as weird as it is to put the word guns and Ca and lucky together at times!)

Have you tried other categories? What categories have you shot and how did that go?

  I started with Cowboy and crossdraw. Tried B western. Not a fan of the Marlin, but kept the clothing!  Shot frontier cartridge and fell in love. Next step will be FC gunfighter. Tried it a few times but haven’t been ready to jump into it 100% but I can feel it coming at some point as I love the challenge it presents!

What is your posse job of choice?

  I love being a TO/Posse Marshall and being able to help people do their best.

What is the time of your fastest clean stage?

  14.91 for 10/10/4+
  13.31 for 10/10/2+

What was the best advice you got from a fellow shooter, and who was it?

  You are fast enough. Trust that. Now work on being smooth and focused. See that front site and the first target. It’s time we’ll spent. - Lefty Longridge

What advice can you give to some of the shooters reading this?

  It takes time and work to get better. There are no shortcuts, but having a lot of fun along the way is the most important part of this game.

What keeps you playing this game?

The people and the challenges.

What is your favorite thing to do when you are not on the range or shooting?

I love anything that has to do with being in the wilderness. Backpacking, camping, hiking, hunting, fishing, etc. Dint get to do most of it enough, but I do love it.


Thanks to everyone I didn’t mention. See y’all on the range!


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