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by on November 30, 2020

Where do you live? (what state or country)

  Edmond, Oklahoma

When did you start shooting CAS and how did you or who got you into the sport?

My dad aka Colt Faro got me started when we both joined sass in 2003. I shot my first match in 2004.

Who was your mentor, either known to them or not?

Over the years I’ve had a number of great friends and mentors who have all played a large part in getting me to where I am today. At the end of the day however, I would not be here without my dad who I consider to be my most valuable mentor.

How much do you practice, how many rounds a month do you send down range?

Depending on my schedule, I will fire approximately 250-500 rounds per month for CAS practice. 

Have you won any state, regional, national or world championships?

  Titles Include:

  • 2012 Texas State Overall Championship
  • 2013 Texas State Overall Championship
  • 2014 Texas State Overall Championship
  • 2015 Texas State Overall Championship
  • 2018 Texas State Overall Championship
  • 2017 California State Overall Championship
  • 2017 Western Regional Overall Championship
  • 2018 SW Regional Overall Championship
  • 2019 SW Regional Overall Championship
  • 2016 Western Divisional Overall Championship
  • 2015 Winter Range Overall National Championship
  • 2015 End Of Trail Overall World Championship
  • 2017 End Of Trail Overall World Championship
  • 2018 End Of Trail Overall World Championship
  • 2019 End Of Trail Overall World Championship

Tell us about your most memorable match:

Hands down my most memorable match was Showdown at Buckcreek the 2004 SW Regional Championship. It was my first big match experience after which I was hooked.

What is your favorite aspect of CAS?

Personally I think when you look at the firearms we shoot that pay homage to some of the more historically significant firearms from the old west as well CAS itself as a sport and you compare it to certain newer firearms with the latest technology used in modern action shooting sports, it’s almost like driving a quintessential classic muscle car with a manual transmission versus a newer sports car equipped with an automatic transmission. The automatic is probably more practical for daily use however it doesn’t give you the same level of engagement or sense of satisfaction as a driver.

Is there a story behind your alias, and what is that story 

It seemed fitting when I chose it

Do you have a travel/shooting buddy? (you know that friend that makes this game what itis)

My buddy Colorado jackson comes to mind he makes me laugh

Where is your favorite place to shoot? (range or match past or present)

Oklahoma City Gun Club (my home range)

Have you tried other categories? What categories have you shot and how did that go?

I have always shot my age based traditional style category.

What is your posse job of choice?

No preference. I go wherever they need me.

What is the time of your fastest clean stage?

Currently my fastest recorded time on a stand and deliver 10-10-4 is 8.45 seconds

What was the best advice you got from a fellow shooter, and who was it?

  The most legendary advise I have ever received came my person gunsmith, Jim Bowie Approximately 2 weeks prior to End of Trail 2017, I went over to the Cowboys and Indians shop located in Orange County, California for a quick last minute check up on my main match rifle to ensure it was going to be 100 percent reliable in the match. Before I left that day I asked if he had any advice for me regarding EOT. He said, “Yeah, when you go out there you don’t have to worry about setting the match on fire and trying to win every stage... but do it anyway!“ He said jokingly. Followed by, “you can do this and I believe in you.” It meant so much to me knowing he had that much confidence in my ability to win the championship that year.

What advice can you give to some of the shooters reading this?

  As a competitive shooter it’s important after every match you attend win or lose to take a step back and appreciate how privileged we are to have this sport in our lives and never take it for granted. There are so many life lessons to be learned from this game and I wouldn’t trade my CAS experiences for anything.

What keeps you playing this game?

You come for the shooting and stay for the people

What is your favorite thing to do when you are not on the range or shooting?

I enjoy spending quality time with my close friends and family regardless of what we’re doing.

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