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by on January 25, 2019

I didn’t get out to the annual match I had planned for January because it rescheduled for the 2nd of February. So, I changed my hotel reservation to the 1st. and planning the road trip for then. That doesn’t mean nothing happened in January, actually, it was a pretty good month for Action Shooting Network (ASN). This month the Single Action Shooting Society plugged ASN on their Facebook and twitter accounts and increased traffic and members of ASN thanks SASS.


Also, there was some additions to the ASN website. First is a stage library, the thought was if I have a place where everyone can upload in digital format other members could download that stage and use it at their match. eventually we would have a pile of stages to browse and choose from for matches. We could even go as far as rating the stage, lets say you download it and it was well written with good target placement, moving and shooting order you could click the like button for that stage on ASN. That would essentially rank the stages. then you would be able to sort all of the stages by most likes or your favorite stage writer with the most likes. I have it set up now with a couple stages that I uploaded and set up. I am open to suggestions and questions for this new option on ASN.  Also I am currently working on a tour guide for ASN to walk members through features on the site and how to use them. That will bw coming soon.


Enough about that, lets talk shooting. January was not a great month of shooting for The Moog. Although it wasn’t terrible, I didn’t put up the times that I was running in December for some reason. I am going to blame getting a new rifle and trying to get to know it. At the Hernando County Regulators match was the first time I shot the new rifle and 2 matches since and I do like it. Compared to my old rifle, (that will always hold the sentimental value) it ROCKS!!!!! So smooth, now if I can just shoot it better all would be good. The Antelope Junction Rangers match I couldn’t find my site and had a handful of misses there and the Lake County Pistoleros match didn’t go much better.


So ASN got some upgrades, YAY! Moog got a new rile, YAY! I didn’t have any really good stages or matches this month. Still better than a good day at work.


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