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by on October 28, 2019

Let me start by thanking Branchwater Jack, Marshall TKD, Buck D Law, Barkeep Casey and anyone else that volunteered their time and hard work on Ambush at Cavern Cove. The weather made it extra challenging and you guys pulled it off. My first time to your range, hats off.  The festivities at the range on Friday night were fun and the food was good. The awards and dinner were in a very nice facility with a spectacular view off the very large patio. Madame Moog and I had a great time and will be returning.

Madame Moog and I packed the truck and headed north again. Last time we did that it got hotter, this time we drove into tropical rains, go figure. The drive on Thursday heading to the Ambush at Cavern Cove the 2019 SASS S.E. Regional Championship was beautiful, sunny skies and pleasant temperatures. But that all changed Friday morning when the clouds moved in and opened up and the temperature dropped. Some would call it cool, I’m from Florida, and I’m going to call it cold. I think High Cotton Kitty would agree with me.

Madame didn’t let that rattle her though. She went to work putting up with me and the rain to shoot the BEST match I have ever seen her shoot. The whole posse and I were proud of her this weekend. 2nd place lady wrangler and a clean match to boot. To add an extra challenge to it Madame shot 11 stages clean not 10. The timer malfunctioned most likely from being left in the rain and she had to shoot stage 1 twice. She tuned it up though, the first run was clean, but she had to go back to her belt to make up a shotgun popper, the reshoot was clean with no make ups. As Scarlett Darlin said, “she took beast mode to a whole new level!” The rest of the crackers did well too, Midwest Hale and Santa Fe River Stan won their category and Regional, Delta Glen, Arcadia Outlaw, Amaduelist, Chickie Winsome and Firewater Bandit all placed in their category. Good job Y’all it was fun to watch the action!

Stage 8, que sinister music… With the weather we had, and the nature of that stage was a receipe for disaster. Midwest Hale took the stage, said her line and got the beep. Boom…. Boom for the first 2 shotgun targets then moving to the next set she slipped and with the grace of a ballerina, she fell and popped up like toast with her shotgun pointed down range and shells in her hand asking if she was good to continue. She finished the stage with the same grace. She made it look easy. I think her face turned a few shades of red, but she was ok and continued to shoot a clean match. Now it’s my turn. It couldn’t happen again right? I took the stage got my beep shot the first 2 shotgun targets. Moving to the next set with the grace of an enraged rhinoceros, slip and BLAM! I did not get up as fast as Midwest Hale but eventually I did make it up off the ground and unloaded my guns. Since I knocked my loaded rifle off the table, I earned my very first MDQ since I started playing this game. The bummer was I was on for a good match, better than the last 2 big matches that I went to anyway. I am ok just some scrapes and bruises, so it is ok to laugh at the video… I did! If you are reading this on the ASN App then you will have to click on the link to see the video.


Shelleen didn’t make the trip so I was concerned that I would not have my words of encouragement. But THANK YOU Chickie Winsome for picking up the slack. On my very first stage of the match I loaded my rifle, pistols and made sure to put on my shotgun belt. Heard next shooter, I put my pistols in the holsters, picked up my 73 and shotgun turn to the stage and Chickie was standing there waiting patiently hold a hand-crafted sign reminding me of what I need to do. She got a good laugh from me and anyone else that knows Shelleen and I’s schtick. This is a good posse member, when she saw I needed something she didn’t hesitate to step up. Next time maybe “Try to not fall and break your butt Moog!” Thank you Chickie!

I thought the range was very nice, surrounded by hills and the echo of the bang and clang may have brought tears to my eyes. When this lowland Florida cowboy gets into the hills it really is a treat. I wish it had of been a little more autumnal, but I will take what I can get. We drove through Fort Payne and down the mountain along the Tennessee River Valley was very scenic making our first trip to Alabama scenic and memorable. We even had Alabama playing on the play list, “Tennessee Riverrrrrrrrr and the mountain men… We get together any time we can… Tennessee Riverrrrrrrrr and the mountain men… We play together mother nature’s band…”. What a view! Yes, we shot in a steady rain. Yes, Madame Moog whooped me. Yes I left with more bumps and bruises than I came with. It was still better than a good day at work.

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Arcadia Outlaw
Great story
October 28, 2019
Arcadia Outlaw
Love the video
October 28, 2019
Good times! I'm glad you're ok.
October 28, 2019
Arcadia Outlaw
Me too
October 28, 2019
Always enjoy your blogs. Hate that a DQ was in the cards for you. Glad no one was hurt. Super happy for Madame, though. I'm sure you were a terrific cheerleader for her.
October 28, 2019