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As we peruse the other SASS Facebook Groups we are very glad to see many new people interested in joining SASS. But we see a similar theme time and again from these potential shooters. They want to wait to attend a match until they are fully geared up and outfitted. This is the first mistake too many new shooters make when joining our great sport. We will address a few of these reasons in this article. Feel free to comment on anything we may have missed or from a different perspective. I hope we...
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We are going to try and keep an accurate schedule for everyone if they would still like to attend matches. We have reached out to as many Match Directors as we can and will be in constant contact with them about the status of their matches. If you are an MD, TG, etc. and would like to keep us updated we will maintain this schedule for anyone interested in attending. Any help is appreciated. Just comment on this post with updates, send us a message, or contact The OTJ with updates as they become ...