A couple stages from this weekend. I somewhat successfully (success being that I didn't drop any) executed the 6 grab but I demolished my middle knuckle in the process. The second try was not very pre... View More
Stage 1 the OTJ Outlaws 8 22 20
Top Guns:
1) The Outlaw Travis James
2) Crane Creek Kid
3) Shelleen
4) Moog
5) Angus McNasty
Clean Shooter:
Crane Creek Kid
#OKCorralOutlaws #OKCorralGunClub #OkeechobeeFL
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Here was a good run from the annual. I had to play “ring around the Rugers” way too much that day.
Stage 8 The OTJ Outlaws Shootout 2020 1 25 20
The OK Corral Outlaws hosted their 3rd Annual "Shootout at the OK Corral" in Okeechobee, FL at the OK Corral Gun Club on Saturday, January 25th, 2020. The weather was absolutely perfect all day and the 8 stages were top notch. Congrats to Top Gun Santa Fe River Stand and Ladies Top Gun Midwest Hale. We had 6 clean shooters for the match: Badlands Barry, Cheyenne Culpepper, Crane Creek Kid, Gadfly, Poncho, and Whiskey Dixon.
Top 10:
1) Santa Fe River Stan
2) Bucky Buckskin
3) Angus McNasty
4) Crane Creek Kid
5) Delta Glen
6) Cheyenne Culpepper
7) The Outlaw Travis James
8) Jeremiah Longknife
9) Blood Washed
10) Arcadia Outlaw
Ladies Top 5:
1) Midwest Hale
2) Velvet Sheath
3) Madame Moog
4) Chickie Winsome
5) Chica
Detailed scores can be found at the below link:
#OKCorralGunClub #OkeechobeeFL #Outlaws
Smarty told me that I was right at 16 seconds when I had to ring around my Ruger.