Panhandle Cowboys
  Welcome to the home of The Panhandle Cowboys. Monthly matches are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at the Element Training Complex in Holt, FL. Monthly matches consist of Four or Six Stages (60 rounds-Pistol, 40 - 60 rounds-Rifle, 24-36 rounds-Shotgun). Optional side matches are sometimes scheduled following the main match and may include activities such as derringer, long range rifle, or wild bunch competitions. Everyone is invited to take a nostalgic trip back to the later half of the 1800's and experience the guns and attire of the Old West. Members are more than willing to explain the rules and procedures of the sport. It is usually possible to set up interested guests to shoot a stage or two following the main match. The club is sanctioned by the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS). SASS has over 100,000 members worldwide. This organization establishes the firearm, ammunition and attire requirements for the various shooting categories. In general, firearms required are two pistols, one rifle and one shotgun, all manufactured prior to 1900. Originals and reproductions are acceptable, but very few originals are used for the competition. Detailed requirements are available in the Shooter's Handbook available on the SASS WebSite
SASS Florida
SASS Florida’s Mission Statement We are here to assist each Florida SASS Club in promoting their events, recruiting new members, connecting the Florida CAS Community, and helping to move the sport into the social media age. If there is anything we can help you with, please do not hesitate to ask. Facebook Group: Facebook Page:
SW Florida Regulators
SASS Cowboy Action Matches on the 3rd Saturday and 4th Sunday each month.  Wild Bunch Shooters are welcome on the 4th Sunday each month.   We also host the 2-day "Shootout in the Swamp" in March each year.  Come shoot and enjoy a hotdog and some cowboy conversation afterwards!   Hansen Range and Gun Club, 27700 Zemel Rd., Punta Gorda, FL 33955 Sheriff: Right Again Dad 239-898-3627 Treasurer: Mama Knows Best 239-898-3948 Territorial Governor: Preacherman 239-878-3579   
Right Again Dad
Billy Blaze
Bogus Jim
Gold Coast Gunslingers
Monthly matches are held the first Saturday and third Sunday at the Markham Park Target Range in Sunrise.  The Gold Coast Gunslingers Cowboy Action Shooting Club, Inc., founded in 1998, is one of the largest cowboy action shooting clubs in Florida.     Markham Park Target Range, 16001 W State Rd 84, Sunrise, Florida 33326 Registration begins at 8:00 am, safety meeting at 8:45 am, and the match begins at 9:00 am. New Range Fees start in January As Markham Park range fees and other costs associated with running the club and maintaining equipment have increased over the years, we will be increasing both our Main and Mid-month club match fees as follows, effective January 1, 2019. Club Members: $15.00  -  Non Members: $20.00 Shooters Packets The Gold Coast Gunslingers New Shooter Introduction and Guide to SASS Cowboy Action is now available!  See Member Into tab, or click here to view, download, or print. Be sure to check out our Facebook page at:     Markam Park is a beautiful facility operated by Broward County and located just on the edge of the Florida Everglades.  It's a great place to shoot!  If you've been thinking about getting started in Cowboy Action Shooting or if you'd just like to watch, come on out and join us.  We'd love to show you the ropes! Please note that no firearms may be worn outside of the range area (including the parking lot, public range or restrooms). It is a MDQ if you pack iron outside of the fence, so y'all just bring 'em in bags and put them on inside the fence, and stash yer iron before you walk out to the car. Registration Information: Registration is from 8:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. Mandatory Safety Meeting at 8:45 a.m. Shooting begins at 9:00 a.m. Fees:           $15.00 - Gold Coast Members $20.00 - Non-Members Buckaroos and Young Guns shoot free when accompanied by a shooting adult. Ammo Needs: 75 Rounds Pistol Cartridge * 75 Rounds Lever Rifle Cartridge * 30 Rounds Shotgun * * These are approximate amounts. Directions to Markham Park: From I-95 or Florida's Turnpike, take I-595 westbound, then veer right at the I-75 split to exit at the next ramp for Weston Road. The park entrance is on the right (north) at the Weston Road intersection. From I-75, take I-595 eastbound. Exit on Flamingo Road (exit #1B) and make a U-turn under I-595 to go west on State Road 84. Go past N.W. 136th Avenue. The park entrance is on the right (north) at the Weston Road intersection.   View in Google Maps     View Park Information       Our Board of Directors George Washington McLintock - President   Miss Conduct - Vice President Hoosegow Hank - Treasurer Lady Lilly O'Valley - Secretary Angus McNasty - Match Director Cuthbert J. Twillie - Equipment Director Jeremiah Longknife - Territorial Governor   Waddies Bumblebee Rose - Scores Miss Conduct - Scores Lady Lilly O'Valley - News Letter Velvet Sheath - Social Committee Neighbor Dave - Web Wrangler
OK Corral Outlaws
Cowboy Action Shooting Club located at the OK Corral Gun Club in Okeechobee, FL that shoots on the 4th Saturday of every month. Named after the Wild West’s  famous 30 second gun fight in 1881, OK Corral Gun Club is situated on a 350-acre site in Okeechobee, Florida. This land was settled back in the early 1800’s as grazing lands for cattle back when Okeechobee was the home to European settlers. It is now repurposed to being the premier shooting sports club and western town in south central Florida. Housing 10 outdoor shooting venues, mining town cabins, recreational and event facilities, and so much more spread out along the land.
The Outlaw Travis James
Bad Hombre
Blazing Saddles
Cowford Regulators
Shooting on 4th Saturday of the month at Gateway Rifle and Pistol Club. 9:00 AM lead down range. See our page,
Willy Whiskers
Bad Hombre
Big Country
Ghost Town Gunslingers
St. Augustine, Florida’s very own Cowboy Action Shooting club is back! Come join us on the first Sunday of every month October- May to ring some steel and have a good time!  You can find the Ghost Town Gunslingers at Ancient City Shooting Range- 3021 Agricultural Center Dr. St. Augustine, FL 32092  Registration starts at 8:00am and the first shots go down range at 9:00am! Cost will be $10 dollars for members, and $15 dollars for non-members.  Please contact Midwest Hale through the Action Shooting Network if you have any questions! 
Chicken Scratch
Alan Sleator
Bad Hombre
Dark Day On The Santa Fe
Welcome to A Dark Day On The Santa Fe, the SASS International Black Powder Championship! Join use Friday March 13th and Saturday March 14th, 2020 for 10 stages of some of best black powder shooting SASS has to offer.    We are also hosting “Darkness Falls” the SASS Southeastern Territorial Black Powder Championship on Thursday March 12th! 3 Days 16 Stages 2 Championships Are you cowboy enough to come to the Dark Side?   For more information visit    
Big Bend Bushwhackers
FLORIDA!  The Home of the rootin'est, tootin'est Cowboys you can imagine!  Our SASS affiliated club is based in Tallahassee, shootin' the 3rd Saturday of every month and our home range is situated on the south side of Leon County.  I will be adding some pitchers to these pages of our cowboy town, Dodge City. It is a sight to see, growing all the time and we welcome all Cowboy Action Shooters; Buckaroos/Buckarettes to El Patron/La Patrona, Tenderfeet and Gunslingers. We all have stories to tell and tricks to share. So, check us out at the Big Bend Bushwhackers website. Please excuse the slim pickin's on our site as our webmaster recently took out for the Open Range. But, you'll find directions to our home range, registration to our monthly match and a direct contact with yours truly there. YEEHAA!