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54 years old.

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By: on November 9, 2020
Where do you live? (what state or country) I live in Rose Bud, AR. We like to call this area God's country with friendly neighbors and beautiful country scenery. ...
972 views 13 likes
By: on October 27, 2020
Where do you live? (what state or country)   California When did you start shooting CAS and how did you or who got you into the sport? ...
943 views 15 likes
By: on October 26, 2020
I am going to start by thanking the pards that put together a well-organized and fun event. Buck D. Law, Barkeep Casey, Iron Head Smith, Drake Robey, Branchwater Jack, Greywolf Tate, Toolman and Reno Mustang. I didn’t see any of these guys stop while on the range or at the awards. Here is a link to the shooter book if you want to check it out. Range Wars Episode V The Rustlers Strike Back The stories and starting lines were fun. Outstanding job you guys and I personal cannot wait for episode VI....
780 views 16 likes
By: on October 5, 2020
Where do you live? (what state or country)   Southern California ...
909 views 11 likes
By: on September 21, 2020
Where do you live? (what state or country)   Claremore, OK When did you start shooting CAS and how did you or who got you into the sport? ...
950 views 7 likes
By: on September 7, 2020
Where do you live? (what state or country)   Oklahoma When did you start shooting CAS and how did you or who got you into the sport? ...
1k+ views 3 likes
By: on August 25, 2020
Where do you live? (what state or country)   Cedar Hill, Missouri When did you start shooting CAS and how did you or who got you into the sport? ...
1.6k+ views 18 likes
By: on August 6, 2020
  Where do you live? (what state or country) I live in north San Diego county in California. ...
1.3k+ views 12 likes
By: on July 20, 2020
I want to start by saying thank you to Copperhead Joe, Iron Madden Whiskey Creek Johnson, Ringer, Catatonic, Noah Fitz, Sandy and the rest of the small army of people that worked their butts off to make Black Gold 2020 GREAT! It was hot and I know I did not see them guys stop once. They really know how to put on a shindig up there. Hats off guys what an excellent job. This match had been on our list since we heard about it when we got into this game and it did not disappoint. We felt welcomed an...
641 views 11 likes
By: on July 13, 2020
Santa Rosa Slinger is new to the game, so continuing on with the new shooter point of view here is what he thinks about our game and shooting CAS! Enjoy. ...
1k+ views 19 likes
By: on June 29, 2020
This spotlight and the next are going to focus on fairly new shooters. Midwest Hale has been at it for about 3 years now and has come a long way rather quickly. Go to We The People Munnitions and use the code Hale5 for 5% off your order. I'm sure her sponsors would appreciate that. Lets dive in and see what she had to say. Where do you live? (what state or country) Florida ...
1.6k+ views 20 likes
By: on June 15, 2020
It's that time again. Cassalong Hopidy from the Red Hill Rangers in north Florida took the time to answer the questions in the spotlight this week. Traditional is fast Deilest is coolest but gunfighters make it look cool! here is what he had to say.  Where do you live? (what state or country) I live in Tallahassee, Florida,  a beautiful little town that was even prettier when I moved here in 1969, probably because there were only about 35,000 souls here then and it’s now nearly 10 times mo...
1k+ views 8 likes