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by on October 26, 2020

I am going to start by thanking the pards that put together a well-organized and fun event. Buck D. Law, Barkeep Casey, Iron Head Smith, Drake Robey, Branchwater Jack, Greywolf Tate, Toolman and Reno Mustang. I didn’t see any of these guys stop while on the range or at the awards. Here is a link to the shooter book if you want to check it out. Range Wars Episode V The Rustlers Strike Back The stories and starting lines were fun. Outstanding job you guys and I personal cannot wait for episode VI. I may get in line early….

Madame Moog and I started out early Wednesday headed north while the sun rose. Madame and Chickie Winsome were texting. She and The Outlaw Travis James were about 5 minutes ahead of us on 75 so they stopped at the Ga visitor center and waited for us to catch up. We chatted for a bit then back on the highway. Jumped off at Tifton Ga for some gas and an alternate route to the hotel in Alabama. Driving though the hills and small towns along the way was certainly more scenic and most defiantly less stressful. Driving through the hills, singing song with my best friend (Madame Moog) along the way and Watching God’s creation go by the windows was a great way to spend the day. I am reminded every time I drive to a match that this is as the great Satchmo said, “what a wonderful world.”

Our little caravan pulled into the hotel we checked in, un packed while waiting for the rest of the “Cracker Crew” to get there. Then the whole gang went to dinner. Amaduelist was already there and ordered so we had him join us as well. It felt good to be sitting there with good friends shooting the ……you know and laughing. True to our away match karma the bill was messed up and Pistol Whipping Patty was nowhere to be found. So, after some conversation I think Madame and I made out on that deal.

Day 1 on the range. My plan was to fly my drone to get some video of the range and the shooters arriving but I didn’t have a reliable signal on my phone so I didn’t want to risk the drone loosing the GPS signal and the drone flying away or crashing. I did walk the range a few times getting my steps in and talking with pards I hadn’t seen in some time and some that I saw the previous week. I talked with a few cowboys and cowgirls about the ASN Posse Up podcast and collected some audio for the on the range segment and was done working. I only brought 150 extra rounds because I thought I would be doing ASN stuff longer and Madame didn’t want to shoot side match day. Well……. I shot some pistols and with nothing else to do after lunch I decided to shoot the afternoon practice match. We didn’t have enough ammo for both of us to shoot until Bucky Buckskin told Madame to go get her guns and use his ammo. Thanks again Bucky! I think she was happy she warmed up!

Main match day 1 started out rough for me. I was not feeling well at all, my kidney curse was in full effect and the Moog was feeling the pressure if you know what I mean. I know Branchwater jack would have let me shoot through on Saturday, but I figured I could go be in pain at the hotel or be in pain at the range. So, I stayed and I am glad I did. Started out pretty smooth and deliberate with my shots and ended day one clean and mostly pain free. Madame rocked day one as well putting up decent times also clean. With some emergency 97 "triage" from Delta Glen and a roll of electrical tape from Branchwater Jack, Madame was able to finish day 1 with her own 97. The posse worked like a well-oiled machine, everyone pulling their weight. The man himself Bucky Buckskin shot on our posse and it was a site to see. Smooth, fast and clean. I think most of the posse had a good day1.

Main Match day 2, pull on the range with overcast skies and flash backs of last year’s rain I was not looking forward to getting wet but that is how it goes when you play cowboy.  It did start raining but that didn’t phase Madame Moog, shot in the rain last year for a clean match. Nothing like wet guns when you are trying to close the match on day 2, but Madame is a pro. She wrapped up day 2 clean too. Way to go Madame I am so proud of you “THAT”S MY WIFE!”. Me on the other had was feeling much better and really didn’t mind the rain, it was the run off the roof that soaked the guns as you were loading but either way rain or shine it didn’t help me when I went brain dead on stage 6. Ask me, how do you screw up a single tap alternate for 10 rounds? Well you go stupid after the beep that is how, I lost count in the blazing fast speed of my rifle and levered what I though was the 11th time. Pointed the rifle downrange pulled the trigger and Bang……. Ding……. Wrong target……… oh well at least it hit? The rest of the posse did well with the exception of 97 trouble for 1 poor soul. I am look at you OTJ the 97 “force” was not with you this weekend. Again, the posse worked hard and everyone did their part. THANK YOU!

The awards were fun Madame was 3rd lady wrangler and clean. I drove for more than 100 miles and finished the match. Hopefully that curse is broken now. Just the 1 P for the match and did not miss a shot. Had some normal Moog moments but I’m taking baby steps to clean up my game. I can tell you loading your SxS one at a time is not efficient. This year the guys at Ambush did something new, The Trail Driver award. What they did is take the top 10 shooters from each state in the region add the total time for the 10. The state with the fasted top 10 won. What did you win? Well you got a pin and a bandana slide, but best of all, you got to sign a big banner and take it home to your state match. Guess where the banner is this year? FLORIDA! We will be proudly displaying that at the Ides of Marchvember coming up next month. That was a fun idea and added a little extra competition. Good job guys.

So wrapping up this blog which was not as painful to make as last years or pretty much any of my out of state matches for the last couple years for that matter.  We followed Chickie and OTJ through the hills and beautiful countryside. Madame was clean the 2nd year in a row for the SE Regional Championship. I had a decent match and didn’t pick up any new bruises. Had an awesome posse and had the pleasure of shooting with the Southeast Regional Champion Bucky Buckskin. Had a good time hanging out with good people. Until next year’s SE regional. Was better than a good day at work.

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Jay Young
Glad you all had a good time. When we lived in southern middle Tennessee we would take 431 to 10 to 19 down to Tampa. Beautiful drive and way more relaxing than 75.
October 26, 2020
We did have fun. I talked so much smack about the Trail Driver that we HAD to win it. that was a really good idea too.
October 26, 2020 Edited
I forgot to mention something in my blog. My buddy RealTree shot his very first out of state match and the first regional championship for SASS. 3rd place duelist in the region. Great job dude! I know you also had a blast shooting the long range side match and by the way edges count there too. ... View More
October 26, 2020
Camo Cowboy
Way to go Realtree. Made us proud!!
October 27, 2020