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by on September 19, 2017

Madame Moog and I made through IRMA with no major damage. The cleanup was faster than getting power back on though. The storm cancelled the AJR match and The Lake County Pistoleros match as well as people were still recovering. I had booked a trip to Pennsylvania to shoot with my dad at his local match but the first flight was canceled. We cleaned up and Madame Moog rebooked my flight so I did get to shoot last weekend. The Titusville PA Sportsman Club has challenging match once a month. The targets are farther away and smaller than I am used to but it was still fun. I wish I could shoot with my dad more often but he decided to retire in PA and not snow bird. Still his neck of the woods up there is pretty, cool and quiet.

Saturday’s match came and there were some tough stages. One had pistol targets about 20 steps from the table and I went right to missing them. couldn’t get the timing down for actually aiming at the target…(lol). Either way I really like the times my dad and I shoot together and I see him having fun. After all this game I feel is about family, actual family or your cowboy family. Even though IRMA tried to cancel my trip and I had a ton of misses, it was still better than a good day at work.

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