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by on April 23, 2018
We started driving Thursday morning for the Florida State CAS Championship. Was a perfect day for a drive too. We hit I-10 and I thought we were almost there… nope another 100 miles to go. we did make it there though and driving on to the range I gotta say was very nice. To see the CAS props and then the shooters, it don’t really matter where you go to shoot it always kinda feels like home. We signed in got our pack from even more familiar faces. Thanks to Cas, Holler, Shamrock Sadie and the gang for hosting a fine match. Talon Range in Midway Florida is pretty nice. Nice and big. The shuttle helped getting to and from the action. The stages were well thought out and, in my opinion, set up to go fast. Nothing wrong with that! Pistol targets were big and close. I didn’t miss one pistol all day. However, I did manage to miss a rifle and the stupid chicken in the same stage. “stupid chicken” the awards and dinner was good although it was a little warm in the venue. <script async src=""></script> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> Madame Moog showed up and defended her Lady Wrangler State Championship! Way to go Madame! She shot on posse one and I shot on posse 2 with my shooting buddy Shelleen, who, well let’s say had fun. He stuck with it though and won the spirit of the game award from our posse. I finished 32, the highest finish at the state match yet. I had a miss and reloaded on one stage that got me a 33 and then just choked on the last stage I shot running a 28 when everyone was setting that stage on fire. That gave up the 17 seconds that I needed to win state. Congrats to Rocky Creek Shooter who is a class act in my book. There is always next year. <script async src=""></script> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> So, we drove for 9 hours total, my friends picked on me because my wife is a state champ again, I missed the stupid chicken and choked on a stage. It was still better than a good day at work!
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Captain Blaster
Interstate 10 has to be one of the longest, most boring of all the interstates.
April 24, 2018