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by on February 13, 2020

Hey Y’All, it’s been a while since I have blogged about shooting or Shelleen and I’s adventures. To be honest you haven’t missed much. Shelleen retired from working and is now a professional cowboy action shooter practicing 3 or 4 times a week with a couple matches thrown in there on the weekends. He is (was) steady whoopin me and he is such a modest winner. That is until first Sunday in February. I beat him at the Hernando County Regulators monthly match and finished 2nd overall. Bogus (bogug) Jim won that match overall. Oh, did I mention that Bogus Jim was Shelleens practice buddy?


My monthly match Antelope Junction Rangers is the 2nd Saturday on the month. It started out cool and warmed up nice in the upper 70’s. We started shooting and on stage 1 I had the second fastest time and felt pretty good. Stage 2 I missed 2, now that would usually, as Shoulda Dun Gun would say, send the train right off the tracks. Not this time, I kept it together and better yet,  I didn’t let those 2 misses get in my head. At the end of the match it was Moog that was 1st overall. This was the first time I won at my match. Now Shelleen did have some ammo issues but even with the broken rifle misses taken away I would have still beat him. This happens about twice a year and it always seems to be at a monthly match.


Madame and I went to the OK Corral Gunfighters annual last month. They have one of the nicest ranges I have shot at. Didn’t help my shooting. I again have to apologize to anyone that had to witness my shooting there. I started off right away with a P, the first gun shot of the whole match and I get a P. I was proud of the fact that I got that P so fast that the spotters didn’t see it. But Santa Fe River Stan knew it and I confirmed it. That went right to work in my head. The next stage I had rifle issues, the hammer was not staying cocked when I was trying to run it at Moog speed. So that made things worse in my brain and the rest of the match reflected that. I think I ended up with like 12 misses and 3 P’s. Madame Moog won her category by less than a second, I think. Her and Chickie Winsome had a real nail bitter.


Shootout on the Sante Fe was in November and again annual match and I couldn’t keep it together for 8 stages. I didn’t even place in my category. At this match I can’t blame equipment or sleep or anything for that matter. I was just not shooting well. I walked, no I would say crawled away from that match with more than a handful of misses and a P. The BBQ was kick ass though.


Wyatt has stepped up to help with my big match train wrecks. W had a small wager on the Ides of March match 2 years ago. We bet 10 Who’s Your Daddy’s. What its that you ask? Well the winner gets to call the other out with the question, Who’s Your Daddy. In this case Wyatt has to admit it is Moog wherever he is. It make club announcements before matches a little more fun with Wyatt’s public service announcements. That Ides I place the best I have ever placed. I was 28th overall. So for this year Wyatt has stepped up again with the wager after watching my away match results. What he doesn’t know or maybe he does, I cannot loose to Wyatt! So thanks Wyatt I need that focus.


So to wrap this up, I beat Shelleen 2 times in a row, I shoot crappy at big or away matches and I think Wyatt is gonna owe me more Who’s Your Daddy’s. All better than a good day at work.

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The Outlaw Travis James
Now for your next blog after Idea I want to hear about nothing but the good stuff that happens. I bet there is more than you think... :-)
February 13, 2020