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by on October 27, 2020

Where do you live? (what state or country)


When did you start shooting CAS and how did you or who got you into the sport?

  We started in 2015. My husband (John Ringo)  was shooting clays near where the Cowboys shoot in Norco. He saw a bunch of folks dressed like cowboys and walked over. He met JJ Johnson and Washo out front. They were super friendly and invited him to watch. John came home and said he was going to dress like a cowboy and shoot rifle, pistols and shotgun on the clock...I told him, “I’m NEVER doing that...” we just got our SASS 5 year pin...we’re SASS-aholics!

Who was your mentor, either known to them or not?

  Not So Dead Eye Maverick really took me under her wing. I had never shot before and most importantly she made me feel capable and safe. She helped me overcome my fear of shooting the shotgun - and actually succeeded In making it my favorite gun!!! No more bruises!

And Lefty Longridge. His method is transformative and powerful. I feel like he gave me a competitive edge to combat my insecurities and made me a more confident shooter.

How much do you practice, how many rounds a month do you send down range?

  We shoot local matches at least once a week - sometimes twice if we’re lucky!

Have you won any state, regional, national or world championships?

  I am the 2020 California State Ladies Duelist and 2019 Western Regional Ladies Duelist. We’ve been pretty dark for major matches this year because of the Corona Virus 🥺

Tell us about your most memorable match:

  At our last Western Divisional match we had a split shotgun stage. Shot my rifle. Shot two SG down and then WHILE HOLDING MY SHOTGUN, shot my pistols as a duelist, moved and finished with SG...not gonna lie...I felt soooooooo cool!!!

What is your favorite aspect of CAS?


Forever friends. Our daughter says, “I can’t believe you’ve made so many wonderful, forever friends at your age” (ouch!


We also realize that if/when we move out of California we will have CAS friends wherever we go. This is truly such a sweet community!

Is there a story behind your alias, and what is that story?

  Calamity Annie - I am literally a walking bruise; I trip on air. It’s a hoot meeting all of the other Calamities out there. One of my very favorites was Calamity Candy.


Do you have a travel/shooting buddy? (you know that friend that makes this game what itis)

  We love spending time with our Piru Crew! We got to travel to End of Trail in 2019 with El Roberto and Sgt. Major O’Donnel. They showed us the ropes for that remarkable match!

And I love shooting with Wild Wendy - but she abandoned me for greener pastures in Texas. And my dearest shooting buddy is Charity Rose Lee. We are each other’s cheerleaders!

Where is your favorite place to shoot? (range or match past or present)

  We love our home ranges: the World Famous Double R Bar in Lucerne Valley, CA and the Legendary Cajon Cowboys just off Historic Route 66 in Devore, CA. (It’s all about the marketing!🤣) But our CANNOT MISS match is Bordertown. We’re sure aching for those cowboys and cowgirls this year.

Have you tried other categories? What categories have you shot and how did that go?

  I have shot Cowgirl since I started. About a year and a half ago I tried duelist. I felt like such a boss that I’ve stuck with it. Duelist is coolest! Just sayin’!

What is your posse job of choice?

  Probably score keeper. I hate calling misses but I can tell you which shot you missed on which target and with which firearm...but I hate breaking hearts!

What is the time of your fastest clean stage?

  Cowgirl - 17 and change
Duelist - 18 (but only 2 shotgun...shhhh!)

What was the best advice you got from a fellow shooter, and who was it?

  Frederick Jackson Turner - when I was so overwhelmed at the thought of shooting End of Trail. He said, “Annie, it is the same as a monthly match ~ 10-10-4 plus except for when it’s 6 plus. This is what you do.” Played his words over and over in my head from the warmups throughout h the entire match. And.....I’m 3rd Ladies Duelist in the world!!!


What advice can you give to some of the shooters reading this?

  Enjoy every moment with these precious cowboy friends you’ve been given. AND wear the special pretty boots. What’re you saving them for??? Sparkle and let your light shine!!!

What keeps you playing this game?

  The people...hands down. And the wonderful memories I’m creating with the most amazing cowboy in the world, John Ringo. I’m so grateful for that day he visited The Cowboys!

What is your favorite thing to do when you are not on the range or shooting?

Reading, sending notes and cards to friends and Candy Crush.

Like (15)
Yep, she said it! Duelist is coolest! Join the movement, folks!
October 27, 2020
Razorback Red
Not a harder working lady out there!
July 22, 2021
Camo Cowboy
Yep Duelist are the coolest!!
July 23, 2021