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by on October 13, 2021


Roy Sackett

Where do you live? (what state or country)

I live in Maumelle, Arkansas just off I40 across the river from Little Rock.

When did you start shooting CAS and how did you or who got you into the sport?

My older brother had seen or read about cowboy action shooting and suggested I check it out. We located a club in Hot Springs about an hour away and drove there to watch a match. The people, of course, were very friendly. I was hooked after watching just a few minutes. One cowboy, Curly Hombre, spent time with us explaining how the match worked and answering whatever questions we had. He then volunteered to meet us at the range on a weekday and let me shoot his guns for a real taste. He later came to my house to help me when I started reloading. So I joined the Mountain Valley Vigilantes in the spring of 2016. Ladies in the club convinced Debbie, my wife, that this was "not a spectator sport" for spouses, and so she joined the fun and started shooting about a year and a half later.



Who was your mentor, either known to them or not?

Curly Hombre, of course, should be mentioned as he really encouraged and helped me at the very beginning. The mentor who is not aware is Long Hunter. I watched his videos over and over and over! However, soon after I started shooting, we found another club close by. That was Outlaw Camp in Heber Springs, AR. There I met Stumpman, a national champion gunfighter, the mentor/coach who really took me under his wing. Besides being a natural encourager, he provided the instruction and tips that took seconds off my times and made shooting more fun. Eventually, he persuaded me to try gunfighter with the teaser that I would never go back. I haven't. Not only did he help with my shooting, but he worked on my guns and helped Debbie find the most suitable guns when she started shooting. Debbie and I both benefited from the coaching sessions at his place. One of my favorite pictures is with Stumpman the year he won gunfighter and I won silver senior gunfighter at the Arkansas state match, Hell on the Border.

How much do you practice, how many rounds a month do you send down range?

Most of our practice is dry-firing and that is usually in preparation for a big match. When things are more normal (healthy and with abundant primers), we shoot three weekends a month.

Have you won any state, regional, national or world championships?

I have won six state championships in Arkansas, two silver senior, one Roy Rogers (soon after surgery), and three silver senior gunfighter. I finished third in silver senior gunfighter at the southwest regional. I finished second in the same category at the southeast regional.



Tell us about your most memorable match:

I had my first clean match at Smokin' Guns at Rabbit Ridge in Byhalia, MS. I also had my first match DQ there a couple years later. Those were obviously memorable. However, the match that stands out was at Gunfight in Dixie in Memphis. As a fairly new shooter and after two days, going into the last stage, I had a clean match. However, it was not to be. I had one pistol miss. Stumpman said he thought I would slow down to shoot clean. I didn't. With one miss, I had what the Mountain Valley Vigilantes call a Dagnabbit match.

What is your favorite aspect of CAS?

I really enjoy the shooting. I enjoy everything about the shooting, except maybe cleaning guns! And like everyone says, the people are the friendliest you would ever hope to meet. They have become the people we spend the most time with not only at the range but in touch through social media almost daily. But most of all, I just love being a cowboy! I grew up in the 50s and 60s when TV was all about westerns. I played cowboy then and to get to do that now is about as good as it gets!

Is there a story behind your alias, and what is that story?

My brother was 5 1/2 when I was born. Mom asked him what he wanted to name his little brother. He said, "Roy Rogers!" The best she would do was make my middle name Roy. Then, I am a huge Louis L'Amour fan. I have read and reread all his books, especially the Sackett series. Of course I had to use Roy and who would pass up a chance to be part of the Sackett family. Not me! Thus, Roy Sackett.

Do you have a travel/shootin buddy? (you know that friend that makes this game what it is)

How fortunate am I that Cherokee Gal, my wife Debbie, is my traveling and shooting partner. We have looked at each other and said, "Who would have thought that we would celebrate our 50-year anniversary by going to EOT?" We planned to do that last year, but will be going this year just one year later.



Where is your favorite place to shoot? (range or match past or present)

We enjoy shooting at our home clubs in Hot Springs and Heber Springs and also with Judge Parker's Marshals in Fort Smith, AR. All three of these Arkansas clubs have made significant changes and upgrades to their ranges in recent years and have made the shooting experiences exciting and fun. Of course, we love to travel to Land Run and are looking forward to shooting at Paradise Pass.

Have you tried other categories? What categories have you shot and how did that go?

At 69, I got a late start so I shot Silver Senior for about three years. Then, I switched to Silver Senior Gunfighter. It has taken a while to get times back in line with my first category, but the fun as a gunfighter came immediately! JEDI GF #304

What is you posse job of choice?

Spotting, scoring or unloading table works best for me. My knees and back have never liked picking up brass.

What is the time of your fastest clean stage?

I think I had a 19+ second 2 shotgun stage once when shooting silver senior. I've had a 22+ second stage as a gunfighter.

What was the best advice you got from a fellow shooter, and who was it?

My mentor, Stumpman, said, "You can do this. And remember, smooth is fast." He also said the half second you take to make sure you are on target saves 4 1/2 seconds if it would be a miss.



What advice can you give to some of the shooters reading this?

Have fun! And if you see me on the range some time and I look too serious, tell me to lighten up!

What keeps you playing this game?

It's the shooting. It's the people. But Hey! It's COWBOY action shooting! Enough said.

What is your favorite thing to do when you are not on the range or shooting?

Reading Louis L'Amour westerns or watching old westerns on TV.

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